Fields and sub-fields


ROR Schema v1

This page documents the fields and sub-fields in v1 of the ROR metadata schema. For documentation of ROR schema v2.1 fields and subfields, see You can also read more about ROR schema versions and a summary of what's new in ROR Schema 2.0 and Schema 2.1.

The following list includes all available fields and sub-fields in version 1 of the ROR metadata schema. For a list of top-level fields only, see ROR data structure.

All v1 fields and sub-fields in alphabetical order

Field nameDescriptionNotes
acronymsAcronyms or initialisms for the organization name
addresses.cityCity that the organization is located inIn new and recently updated records, this value is identical to In records inherited from GRID, this value may be different from or missing.
addresses.country_geonames_idGeonames ID for the country that the organization is located in
addresses.geonames_city.cityCity that the organization is located in, from Geonames databaseDerived from the Geonames record for the ID
addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin1.ascii_nameASCII name for the primary administrative region (ex: US state) that the organization is located in, from Geonames databaseDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in v1 records as of December 2024.
addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin1.codeCode for the primary administrative region (ex: US state) that the organization is located in, from Geonames database. Typically a FIPs or ISO code.Derived from the Geonames record for the ID
addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin1.idGeonames ID for the city that the organization is located inDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in v1 records as of December 2024.
addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin1.nameName of the primary administrative region (ex: US state) that the organization is located in, from Geonames database. May contain non-ASCII characters.Derived from the Geonames record for the ID
addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin2.ascii_nameASCII name for the secondary administrative region (ex: US county) that the organization is located in, from Geonames databaseDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in v1 records as of December 2024.
addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin2.codeCode for the secondary administrative region (ex: US county) that the organization is located in, from Geonames databaseDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in v1 records as of December 2024.
addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin2.idGeonames ID for the secondary administrative region (ex: US county) that the organization is located inDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in v1 records as of December 2024.
addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin2.nameName of the secondary administrative region (ex: US county) that the organization is located in, from Geonames database. May contain non-ASCII characters.DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in v1 records as of December 2024.
addresses.geonames_city.idGeonames ID for the city that the organization is located inA small number of organizations are not located in a city. In that case, the code for the nearest legal jurisdiction is used.
addresses.geonames_city.license.attributionLicense attribution for Geonames dataValue in all records is Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license
addresses.geonames_city.license.licenseLicense URL for Geonames dataValue in all records is
addresses.geonames_city.nuts_level1.codeCode for the NUTS level 1 region that the organization is located in, from Geonames databaseDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
addresses.geonames_city.nuts_level1.nameName of the NUTS level 1 region that the organization is located in, from Geonames databaseDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
addresses.geonames_city.nuts_level2.codeCode for the NUTS level 2 region that the organization is located in, from Geonames databaseDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
addresses.geonames_city.nuts_level2.nameName of the NUTS level 2 region that the organization is located in, from Geonames databaseDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
addresses.geonames_city.nuts_level3.codeCode for the NUTS level 3 region that the organization is located in, from Geonames databaseDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
addresses.geonames_city.nuts_level3.nameName of the NUTS level 3 region that the organization is located in, from Geonames databaseDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
addresses.latLatitude of the location identified in, from Geonames databaseDerived from the Geonames record for the ID
addresses.lineA line of the address for the organizationDEPRECATED. Value is null or empty string for all ROR records.
addresses.lngLongitude of the location identified in, from Geonames databaseDerived from the Geonames record for the ID
addresses.postcodePostcode/zipcode that the organization is located inDEPRECATED. Value is null for most records. A small number of records inherited from GRID have lat/long data incorrectly stored in this field. This will be corrected in a future ROR data release.
addresses.primaryIf there is more than one address, identifies the main locationDEPRECATED. Value is false in all ROR records.
addresses.stateState that the organization is located inDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. SUPERSEDED by
addresses.state_codeCode for the state that the organization is located inDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. SUPERSEDED by addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin1.code
aliasesOther names the organization is known by
country.country_codeISO 3166-2 code for the country that the organization is located in, from Geonames databaseDerived from the Geonames record for the ID
country.country_nameName of the country that the organization is located in, from Geonames databaseDerived from the Geonames record for the ID
email_addressA contact mail address for the organizationDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
establishedYear the organization was established (CE)
external_ids.CNRS.allAll CNRS identifiers for the organizationDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
external_ids.CNRS.preferredPreferred CNRS identifier for the organization, if one existsDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
external_ids.FundRef.allAll FundRef (Crossref Funder Registry) identifiers for the organization
external_ids.FundRef.preferredPreferred FundRef (Crossref Funder Registry) identifier for the organization, if one exists
external_ids.GRID.allAll GRID identifiers for the organizationDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. Public GRID registry no longer exists.
external_ids.GRID.preferredPreferred GRID identifier for the organization, if one existsDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. Public GRID registry no longer exists.
external_ids.HESA.allAll HESA identifiers for the organizationDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
external_ids.HESA.preferredPreferred HESA identifier for the organization, if one existsDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
external_ids.ISNI.allAll ISNI identifiers for the organization
external_ids.ISNI.preferredPreferred ISNI identifier for the organization, if one exists
external_ids.OrgRef.allAll OrgRef identifiers for the organizationDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. OrgRef registry no longer exists.
external_ids.OrgRef.preferredPreferred OrgRef identifier for the organization, if one existsDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. OrgRef registry no longer exists.
external_ids.UCAS.allAll UCAS identifiers for the organizationDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
external_ids.UCAS.preferredPreferred UCAS identifier for the organization, if one existsDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
external_ids.UKPRNS.allAll UKPRNS identifiers for the organizationDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
external_ids.UKPRNS.preferredPreferred UKPRNS identifier for the organization, if one existsDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained.
external_ids.Wikidata.allAll Wikidata identifiers for the organization
external_ids.Wikidata.preferredPreferred Wikidata identifier for the organization, if one exists
idUnique ROR ID for the organizationValue is full ROR ID URL
ip_addressesIP address(es) associated with the organizationDEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new or existing records. Records inherited from GRID did not have values in this field.
labels.iso639ISO 639-1 language code that identifies the language of a value in labels.label
labels.labelName for the organization in another language
linksOfficial website of the organizationThis field supports multiple URLs, but in practice, each record has either 1 or 0 URLs.
nameThe primary name of the organization
relationships.idUnique ROR ID of another organization which is related to the organizationValue is full ROR ID URL
relationships.labelName of another organization identified in, which is related to the organization
relationships.typeType of relationship between the organization and another organization identified in relationships.idAllowed relationship types: Parent, Child, Related, Successor, Predecessor
statusWhether the organization is active or notAllowed values: active, inactive, withdrawn
typesOrganization typeAllowed types: Education, Healthcare, Company, Archive, Nonprofit, Government, Facility, Funder, Other
wikipedia_urlWikipedia page link for the organization

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