Fields and sub-fields


ROR Schema v2

This page documents the fields and sub-fields in v2 of the ROR metadata schema. For documentation of ROR schema v1 fields and subfields, see You can also read more about ROR schema versions and a summary of what's new in ROR Schema 2.0.

The following list includes all available fields and sub-fields in version 2 of the ROR metadata schema. For a list of top-level fields only, see ROR data structure. The full JSON schema used for generating and validating ROR records is available at

If you'd like to request a change to the ROR metadata schema, please submit a schema change request on our roadmap.

All v2 fields and sub-fields in alphabetical order

Field nameTypeDescriptionAllowed values
adminObjectContainer for administrative information about the record
admin.createdObjectContainer for administrative information about the creation of the record
admin.created.dateStringDate the record was added to RORDate formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
admin.created.schema_versionStringROR schema version that the record was initially created in1.0, 2.0
admin.last_modifiedObjectContainer for administrative information about the last modification to the record
admin.last_modified.dateStringDate the record was last modified in RORDate formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
admin.last_modified.schema_versionStringROR schema version that the record was last modified in1.0, 2.0
domainsArray (of strings)Fully-qualified domains that belong to the organization, using the smallest number of labels needed encompass the organization (excluding www). Each domain must be unique within ROR; a given domain cannot be listed in multiple ROR records. Multiple values are allowed, however, values cannot be subdomains of other domains listed in the same ROR record.
establishedNumberYear the organization was established (CE)Date as YYYY
external_idsObjectContainer for information about identifiers in other systems ("external identifiers") that are associated with a given organization in ROR
external_ids.allArray (of strings)All external identifiers of the type specified in external_ids.type
external_ids.preferredStringPreferred external identifier for the organization of the type specified in external_ids.type
external_ids.typeStringIdentifier system that the identifiers in external_ids.all and external_ids.preferred belong to. Supported systems are Crossref Open Funder Registry (formerly FundRef), GRID (deprecated, but currently supported in ROR for records included in ROR seed data supplied by GRID), ISNI and Wikidata.fundref, grid, isni, wikidata
idStringUnique ROR ID for the organization
linksObjectContainer for information about URLs related to the organization
links.typeStringType of link listed in links.valuewebsite, wikipedia
links.valueStringURL of a link related to the organizationValid URI, according to IETF RFC 3986
locationsObjectContainer for location information
locations.geonames_detailsObjectContainer for details derived from the GeoNames record for the GeoNames ID in locations.geonames_id
locations.geonames_details.country_codeStringISO 3166-2 code for the country that the organization is located in, from the GeoNames record for the GeoNames ID in locations.geonames_idValid 2-character ISO 3166-2 country code (uppercase)
locations.geonames_details.country_nameStringName of the country that the organization is located in, from Geonames record for the Geonames ID in locations.geonames_id
locations.geonames_details.latNumberLatitude of the location identified in locations.geonames_id, from the GeoNames record for that Geonames ID
locations.geonames_details.lngNumberLongitude of the location identified in locations.geonames_id, from the GeoNames record for that GeoNames ID
locations.geonames_details.nameStringName of the location (e.g., city or town) identified in locations.geonames_id, from the GeoNames record for that GeoNames ID.
locations.geonames_idIntegerGeoNames ID for the city or most granular administrative region that the organization is located in. For most records, this ID represents a city, but for organizations not located in a city, the value in this field is ID of the most granular administrative region for the location available in GeoNames.Valid GeoNames ID
namesObjectContainer for name information
names.langStringISO 639-1 language code that identifies the language of a value in names.value. May be used with any name type(s).Valid 2-character ISO 639-1 language code (lowercase)
names.typesArray (of strings)The type(s) associated with the name contained in names.value. Each name must have at least 1 type, and exactly 1 name must have ror_display in its types. Each name can have multiple types, for example ror_display and label.acronym, alias, label, ror_display
names.valueStringName that the organization is (or was) known by, which may be a current official name, former name, alias, acronym, etc.
relationshipsObjectContainer for relationship information
relationships.idStringUnique ROR ID of another organization which is related to the organization
relationships.labelStringName of another organization identified in, which is related to the organization
relationships.typeStringType of relationship between the organization and another organization identified in relationships.idchild, parent, related, successor, predecessor
statusStringWhether the organization is active or notactive, inactive, withdrawn
typesArray (of strings)Organization type(s). Allowed types: Education, Healthcare, Company, Archive, Nonprofit, Government, Facility, Funder, Otherarchive, company, education, facility, funder, government, healthcare, other