Fields and sub-fields
ROR Schema v1
This page documents the fields and sub-fields in v1 of the ROR metadata schema. For documentation of ROR schema v2.1 fields and subfields, see You can also read more about ROR schema versions and a summary of what's new in ROR Schema 2.0 and Schema 2.1.
The following list includes all available fields and sub-fields in version 1 of the ROR metadata schema. For a list of top-level fields only, see ROR data structure.
All v1 fields and sub-fields in alphabetical order
Field name | Description | Notes |
acronyms | Acronyms or initialisms for the organization name | | | City that the organization is located in | In new and recently updated records, this value is identical to . In records inherited from GRID, this value may be different from or missing. |
addresses.country_geonames_id | Geonames ID for the country that the organization is located in | | | City that the organization is located in, from Geonames database | Derived from the Geonames record for the ID |
addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin1.ascii_name | ASCII name for the primary administrative region (ex: US state) that the organization is located in, from Geonames database | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in v1 records as of December 2024. |
addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin1.code | Code for the primary administrative region (ex: US state) that the organization is located in, from Geonames database. Typically a FIPs or ISO code. | Derived from the Geonames record for the ID | | Geonames ID for the city that the organization is located in | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in v1 records as of December 2024. | | Name of the primary administrative region (ex: US state) that the organization is located in, from Geonames database. May contain non-ASCII characters. | Derived from the Geonames record for the ID |
addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin2.ascii_name | ASCII name for the secondary administrative region (ex: US county) that the organization is located in, from Geonames database | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in v1 records as of December 2024. |
addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin2.code | Code for the secondary administrative region (ex: US county) that the organization is located in, from Geonames database | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in v1 records as of December 2024. | | Geonames ID for the secondary administrative region (ex: US county) that the organization is located in | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in v1 records as of December 2024. | | Name of the secondary administrative region (ex: US county) that the organization is located in, from Geonames database. May contain non-ASCII characters. | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in v1 records as of December 2024. | | Geonames ID for the city that the organization is located in | A small number of organizations are not located in a city. In that case, the code for the nearest legal jurisdiction is used. |
addresses.geonames_city.license.attribution | License attribution for Geonames data | Value in all records is Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license |
addresses.geonames_city.license.license | License URL for Geonames data | Value in all records is |
addresses.geonames_city.nuts_level1.code | Code for the NUTS level 1 region that the organization is located in, from Geonames database | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. | | Name of the NUTS level 1 region that the organization is located in, from Geonames database | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. |
addresses.geonames_city.nuts_level2.code | Code for the NUTS level 2 region that the organization is located in, from Geonames database | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. | | Name of the NUTS level 2 region that the organization is located in, from Geonames database | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. |
addresses.geonames_city.nuts_level3.code | Code for the NUTS level 3 region that the organization is located in, from Geonames database | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. | | Name of the NUTS level 3 region that the organization is located in, from Geonames database | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. | | Latitude of the location identified in , from Geonames database | Derived from the Geonames record for the ID |
addresses.line | A line of the address for the organization | DEPRECATED. Value is null or empty string for all ROR records. |
addresses.lng | Longitude of the location identified in , from Geonames database | Derived from the Geonames record for the ID |
addresses.postcode | Postcode/zipcode that the organization is located in | DEPRECATED. Value is null for most records. A small number of records inherited from GRID have lat/long data incorrectly stored in this field. This will be corrected in a future ROR data release. |
addresses.primary | If there is more than one address, identifies the main location | DEPRECATED. Value is false in all ROR records. |
addresses.state | State that the organization is located in | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. SUPERSEDED by |
addresses.state_code | Code for the state that the organization is located in | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. SUPERSEDED by addresses.geonames_city.geonames_admin1.code |
aliases | Other names the organization is known by | |
country.country_code | ISO 3166-2 code for the country that the organization is located in, from Geonames database | Derived from the Geonames record for the ID |
country.country_name | Name of the country that the organization is located in, from Geonames database | Derived from the Geonames record for the ID |
email_address | A contact mail address for the organization | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. |
established | Year the organization was established (CE) | |
external_ids.CNRS.all | All CNRS identifiers for the organization | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. |
external_ids.CNRS.preferred | Preferred CNRS identifier for the organization, if one exists | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. |
external_ids.FundRef.all | All FundRef (Crossref Funder Registry) identifiers for the organization | |
external_ids.FundRef.preferred | Preferred FundRef (Crossref Funder Registry) identifier for the organization, if one exists | |
external_ids.GRID.all | All GRID identifiers for the organization | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. Public GRID registry no longer exists. |
external_ids.GRID.preferred | Preferred GRID identifier for the organization, if one exists | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. Public GRID registry no longer exists. |
external_ids.HESA.all | All HESA identifiers for the organization | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. |
external_ids.HESA.preferred | Preferred HESA identifier for the organization, if one exists | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. |
external_ids.ISNI.all | All ISNI identifiers for the organization | |
external_ids.ISNI.preferred | Preferred ISNI identifier for the organization, if one exists | |
external_ids.OrgRef.all | All OrgRef identifiers for the organization | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. OrgRef registry no longer exists. |
external_ids.OrgRef.preferred | Preferred OrgRef identifier for the organization, if one exists | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. OrgRef registry no longer exists. |
external_ids.UCAS.all | All UCAS identifiers for the organization | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. |
external_ids.UCAS.preferred | Preferred UCAS identifier for the organization, if one exists | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. |
external_ids.UKPRNS.all | All UKPRNS identifiers for the organization | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. |
external_ids.UKPRNS.preferred | Preferred UKPRNS identifier for the organization, if one exists | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new records and values in existing records are not maintained. |
external_ids.Wikidata.all | All Wikidata identifiers for the organization | |
external_ids.Wikidata.preferred | Preferred Wikidata identifier for the organization, if one exists | |
id | Unique ROR ID for the organization | Value is full ROR ID URL |
ip_addresses | IP address(es) associated with the organization | DEPRECATED. This field does not have a value in new or existing records. Records inherited from GRID did not have values in this field. |
labels.iso639 | ISO 639-1 language code that identifies the language of a value in labels.label | |
labels.label | Name for the organization in another language | |
links | Official website of the organization | This field supports multiple URLs, but in practice, each record has either 1 or 0 URLs. |
name | The primary name of the organization | | | Unique ROR ID of another organization which is related to the organization | Value is full ROR ID URL |
relationships.label | Name of another organization identified in , which is related to the organization | |
relationships.type | Type of relationship between the organization and another organization identified in | Allowed relationship types: Parent, Child, Related, Successor, Predecessor |
status | Whether the organization is active or not | Allowed values: active, inactive, withdrawn |
types | Organization type | Allowed types: Education, Healthcare, Company, Archive, Nonprofit, Government, Facility, Funder, Other |
wikipedia_url | Wikipedia page link for the organization |
Updated about 10 hours ago