Logos and display guidelines

Using the ROR logo

You can use the ROR logo in graphics, slide decks, blog posts, websites, research papers, posters, or other material that discusses or mentions the Research Organization Registry (ROR) initiative generally. When doing so, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use the scalable SVG icon version wherever possible for best image quality.
  • Scale the ROR icon to match the line height of the surrounding text, but no smaller than a height of 16px.
  • Link to https://ror.org when using the ROR logo to refer to the ROR initiative.
  • Display the image as given without rotating it, changing its colors, adding drop shadows or animations, or otherwise altering its appearance.
  • Use ROR brand colors #53baa1 or #2c2c2c whenever possible. In cases where use of ROR brand colors is not possible, use black or white.

Approved ROR logo files are available for download from the sources listed under ROR logo files.

ROR ID display guidelines

ROR IDs are primarily intended for internal use by web applications and services, for instance when creating ROR-powered typeaheads in forms. Developers and designers should consider whether displaying ROR IDs in your application's interface is necessary or helpful for the user.

Individuals are also discouraged from typing ROR IDs into documents to indicate their affiliation and from entering them manually into text fields of systems that do not explicitly ask for a ROR ID.

If you do choose to display ROR IDs in your application, please follow the below guidelines.

  • Include a link to the ROR record.

  • If you choose to display a ROR logo or icon, please use an approved ROR image file rather than one from another source.

  • For accessibility and usability, link both the ROR ID text (e.g., https://ror.org/03yrm5c26) and the icon rather than just the icon.

  • Use the scalable SVG icon version wherever possible for best image quality.

  • Scale the ROR icon to match the line height of the surrounding text, but no smaller than a height of 16px.

  • Make sure that the target size for links to ROR records is at least 44 x 44px in order to comply with WCAG accessibility guidelines.

  • Display the image as given without rotating it, changing its colors, adding drop shadows or animations, or otherwise altering its appearance.

  • Use ROR brand colors #53baa1 or #2c2c2c whenever possible. In cases where use of ROR brand colors is not possible, use black or white.

Approved ROR logo files are available for download from the sources listed under ROR logo files.

ROR ID display formats


<a href="https://ror.org/03yrm5c26">
        <img alt="ROR logo" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ror-community/ror-logos/main/ror-icon-rgb.svg" height="24" />


When to use the full ROR ID format

  • When a ROR ID is shown on its own, where the organization name may or may not be displayed, for example within a profile or account page for a single institution.

  • When ROR IDs are shown within a list of organizations and there is sufficient space to show the full ROR ID for each organization.

Inline ROR ID

<a href="https://ror.org/03yrm5c26">
        California Digital Library
        <img alt="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ror-community/ror-logos/main/ror-icon-rgb.svg" height="24" />


When to use the inline ROR ID format

  • When referring to a ROR ID within a sentence: “. . . the team at California Digital Library ROR logo recently launched . . .”
  • When there is not sufficient space to include the full URL of the ROR ID.

ROR logo files

Approved ROR logo image files (png, svg) for use in graphics, slides, websites, and applications are available from the following sources:

All ROR image files are available under a CC BY-ND 4.0 license, which means that you must credit ROR (a link is sufficient) and that you may not make derivatives of the image.

If you would like to use an alternate form of the ROR logo, please email support@ror.org for approval.